简介:Based on a true unsolved ecological mystery, thousands of hideously deformed frogs have turned up in the waters of Minnesota. As seen through the eyes of a one hit wonder single-mo……
简介:50年代的意大利,战争带来的恶劣余韵还在持续着,面对强大的生存压力和微薄的养老金,曾经为政府辛辛苦苦工作几十年的退休者们终于呐喊着走上了街头,但很快便被警察驱散了。在散开的人群中,温贝尔托(卡罗·巴蒂斯特 Carlo Battisti 饰)显得格外的凄凉,他身无分文又生了病,即将要因为付不起房租而被赶出住了二十年的老宅,而在他身边一直陪伴着他的,却只有他的爱……
简介:故事发生在三十年代的伦敦,这座巨大的城市里,处处弥漫着奢靡和浮华的气息,男男女女们沉浸于此,不知魏晋。亚当(史蒂芬·坎贝尔·摩尔 Stephen Campbell Moore 饰)是一位默默无闻的作家,他将名媛妮娜(艾米莉·莫迪默 Emily Mortimer 饰)当做了“垫脚石”,希望能够通过两人的婚姻成功打入纸醉金迷的上流社会。妮娜陷入了同亚当的热恋中无……
简介:On the rainy night of October 2, 1968, eight characters waiting on a remote bus station for a bus heading to Mexico City start experiencing a strange phenomenon.……
简介:Two haunted family men join forces in a destructive crusade to rescue their families from a tropical paradise, after becoming convinced that an American timeshare conglomerate has ……