简介:绝大部分的故事都发生在美国一个名为小镇村(The City of Townsville)的都市,飞天小女警则是这座城市的保护者,举凡阻止银行抢案、火场救援、防止怪兽破坏城市等,都是她们的工作。 飞天小女警对付犯案者及怪兽毫不留情,几乎总是会狠狠的揍他们一顿,再把他们丢进监牢或交给警方。 飞天小女警有专属的热线电话,市政厅、小橡树幼稚园和基妮老师家里都设有……
简介:Sheila Hood is an ex-cop whose marriage is on the rocks. Rather than confronting her husband about an affair, she hides surveillance cameras in her home and watches his transgressi……
简介:Alice arrives unannounced at her estranged brother Ethan's house in an attempt to reconcile, but bizarre visions, the return of his strange girlfriend and Alice's paranoia and susp……
简介:BBC One的3集迷你剧《英式丑闻 A Very English Scandal》根据Jeremy Thorpe的真人真事所改篇。在60年代末英国才刚刚对同性恋除罪化,而当时作为自由党领袖,以及百年来英国政党中最年轻的领袖,Jeremy Thorpe(Hugh Grant饰)隐藏着一个秘密 – 他有一个前同性恋人 Norman Scott(Ben Whis……