简介:Most enjoyable outing from Mr Lenzi and whilst giallo-esquire is really quite a mixed bag. Starting off as a bit of a hippy drippy affair with a young uninhibited couple using thei……
简介:A young student invites a couple of actors to help him in a film school exercise. You have to make a film without cuts or editing, so put your camera on steady.One of the actresses……
简介:一名摄影师意外地杀死一名男子进行自卫,同时撤退到一个亚洲国家的丛林中,被一个将他俘虏的土着部落俘虏,迫使他从事奴役,最后在与酋长的女儿结婚时接受了他。在整部影片中,我从未觉得这是一部恐怖电影。它更像是一部戏剧,比如A MAN CALLED HORSE,我更喜欢它。伊万·拉西莫夫(Ivan Rassimov)作为摄影师非常出色,但是作为酋长的女儿,梅丽莱(Me……